Night Nanny

Overnight Post Partum Support

Bringing home a newborn baby is an incredibly joyous, overwhelming, beautiful, exhausting time.

Meet your Night Nanny

Village Wellness offers overnight post partum support with Amy Roylance an experienced and qualified paediatric dietitian, lactation counsellor and mother of three children.

As your night nanny, Amy comes into your home and takes on the care of your newborn baby so you can get some much needed rest overnight. Often new mum’s feel they can face the day with more patience and strength when they’ve been able to bank some sleep the night before!

How does it work?

The hours are tailored to your family’s unique needs when you book Amy as your Night Nanny. Typically she would arrive at 9pm for an overnight shift, finishing between 4-6am the following day. We suggest a minimum of 6 hours to allow mum to get a decent rest, we also suggest two nights in a row to establish some consistency and gain maximum benefit from the service.

Breast Feeding

Your baby is brought in to mum for overnight feeds. Amy can offer lactation counselling during breastfeeds; observe latch and position, effective milk transfer, support mum with under or oversupply questions, manage pain or nipple damage etc. 

Bottle Feeding

We aim to not wake mum between the overnight hours if your baby is bottle fed. Baby is offered all their bottle feeds as demanded or on a previously determined feeding schedule. This can be formula or expressed breastmilk as per your wishes.

Once your baby is fed and changed, they are then settled back to sleep and monitored until their next feed. 

We aim to establish regular sleep patterns for baby, and begin setting up a loose routine for you to carry on. Our Night Nanny is always responsive to your baby’s needs soothing and settling as required. 

What do we do?

Some evenings other household and maternity duties can be performed to help support parents. Other evenings less of the “chores” can be done as our priority is baby care, feeding and settling.

Some of these include but are not limited to the following…..

  • Bathing


    Play time

    Responsive settling

    Stock and tidy breastfeeding area

    Stock and tidy babychange area

    Washing, folding of baby’s laundry

    Organising, tidying baby’s nursery

  • Bringing a breast fed baby in to mum

    Bottle feeding

    Sterilise and prep bottles

    Sterilise breast pump equipment

    Organise & store expressed breast milk

    Baby food puree preperation

Round the clock support

Your Night Nanny will arrive with a delicious and nutritious frozen savoury meal and a nourishing sweet snack for Mum to enjoy over the days following.

When your Night Nanny arrives a handover is gathered from the previous 24 hours. A detailed log is then kept of your baby’s overnight activities, hours slept, wet or soiled nappies, volumes of milk consumed etc

We also offer a 24 hour text message service to ask questions on the days and nights following an overnight stay.

Our Night Nanny is a paediatric dietitian so we can also offer weekly growth checks and monitoring input and output, these are done within the beautiful clinic space at Byron Baby.

Night Nanny Fees

Typically a Night Nanny shift is a minimum of 6 hours and can be tailored to your family’s specific needs and preferences.

We understand from the point of deciding you need support, to reaching out and getting that support in place, time is crucial! This is why we have tried to provide as much information as possible. However Night Nannying fees do vary considerably.

Please enquire and let us know more about the support you are in need of and how we can help you.